So, it’s 2011 now. Was going to do a blog post on the first, but like all things, life got in the way. Or I was just lazy. I was probably just lazy. ANYWAY, since it is the New Year, I thought I would indulge in writing a resolution. I never stick to those, I don’t know anyone who does, but I do think it’s a good thing to have because it gives you a goal. And who doesn’t love a to do list? Anyone? No? Huh, just me then.

In 2011, I Resolve to:

  • Read 50 books
  • Maintain a good grade average in school
  • Do my damn best at my job (not always that simple)
  • Start my stress diet and keep on it!**
  • Stay as rested as possible
  • Balance my time between everyone I love
  • LEARN! Anything not related to school or w0rk!
  • Find as many amazing things as I can
  • See a new place and enjoy it
  • Laugh as much as possible (Come on! Let’s break the record!)
  • Get back into my jewelry and crochet
  • Keep up with this damn blog!

So there you have it! My new year’s resolution! Hopefully I’ll be able to keep up with it as much as possible! I hope other people have some awesome stuff they’re planning for this year and I hope they’ll share it with me! The more amazing stuff shared, the better!


**Thanks to some amazing people (one in particular), I started reading a fantastic webcomic called Something Positive by R.K. Milholland. If you haven’t been reading it, GO. The crazy, misanthropic antics of my favorite drunks have sustained me through many a slow hour and I think the bounty should be shared by all. And while the entire comic has made me laugh, made me sad, sometimes it really does make me think. For example, check out this one strip from 2009: Aubrey Chooses her Happy Place. In this one, Aubrey, the hot, Asian chick sitting behind the desk, is listening to one of her employees rant about a coworker blogging about her. When she tries to engage Aubrey in her little tirade, Aubrey stops her to count her “care calories” and figures that the employee’s anger has put her over her number of care calories and therefore she just can’t care about it.

Ok, this sounds like a really silly idea at first. It’s made to get a chuckle, especially when Aubrey retreats into her mind’s S&M-flavored candyland. But think about it: stress dieting doesn’t sound like a terrible idea. How many times have I gone home tired, upset, and just plain cranky. Far too many times and counting. I think a stress diet would be a fantastic way to lose all those stress-laden pounds! There are a million and one ways to get rid of stress. Meditation, exercise, hobbies. But all of that, I feel only help in a very peripheral way. Sometimes the best way of becoming stressed is to just stop caring. That’s what they generally mean when they say, “Don’t sweat the small stuff.” Of course, care about important stuff, but the rest? Screw it. If it goes over your daily recommended amount of care calories, it’s not worth it. I actually used this recently when I had to sit through the most heinous teleconference EVER for two hours. The entire event used up my daily recommended amount of care calories (eventually I will make an actual system) and I stopped caring about things for the rest of the day. I didn’t finish all I wanted to, but I just couldn’t be bothered to stress over it. I totally recommend this system to any and all!